This tutorial will guide you on how to Enable Quota on /home File Systems in RedHat 8.1 Linux server.
Please follow the below steps to enable quota for /home file systems:
1. Edit fstab file using vim editor.
Add usrquota & grpquota on /home mount point line after the defaults with seperated by comma.
[root@worldwidelinux ]# vim /etc/fstab
Save and Close the file by pressing Esc key and type :wq! then press Enter key.
2. Reboot your server to reflect the user quota allocation on /home mount point.
[root@worldwidelinux ]# reboot
3. Turn on quota for home file system
[root@worldwidelinux ]# quotaon -avug
Verify quota is turned on or not using below command:
[root@worldwidelinux ]# repquota -a
soft: Once soft limits reached, it will warn a users(Size should be in KB).
hard: Once hard limits reached, it will not allow users to create files(Size should be in KB).